Live 2 Lead Columbus Conference 2023

Kenston Henderson

Kenston is a seasoned leadership speaker, trainer, and coach with a passion for
empowering individuals and organizations. He is the founder and CEO of Live
With Lyfe, LLC, a talent development company, where he leverages his 20+ years
of experience in Human Resources to deliver transformative presentations and
training sessions.
A certified John Maxwell Leadership Speaker and a TEDx Signature Speaker,
Kenston has delivered hundreds of presentations across 35 states and extended
his impact internationally, reaching audiences in Europe, Asia, the Middle East,
Africa, and South America.
His expertise is further solidified by his authored books, “Winning
Conversations: How to Communicate Successfully and Courageously about
Race” and “Parenting Like a Boss: Intentionally Committed.”
He created an online course, “Cultural Transformation in the Workplace: The 7
Keys to Create and Cultivate Racial Equity,” further demonstrating his
commitment to fostering inclusive and equitable environments.
Kenston lives by the quote, “If you’re doing lyfe alone, you’re doing it all
wrong,” reflecting his belief in the power of community and collaboration. His
goal is to ignite, inspire, and empower the champion inside each individual,
driving personal and professional growth.


Live2Lead is an amazing experience you don't want to miss. Get your tickets for the 2024 conference today!